
Showcase Your Research at RYS2025 and Earn Recognition!
Are you an early-stage researcher or professional eager to gain recognition for your work? RYS2025 offers the perfect platform to highlight your research contributions and compete for prestigious awards.


Three awards will be granted at RYS2025:


This award will be presented to the full paper submission deemed by the Scientific Committee to showcase outstanding research quality and significant relevance to the scientific community.

Prize: €500 and the opportunity for your paper to be submitted to the international journal Materials and Structures (link) for a full peer review, offering a pathway to a high-impact publication. The benefit of this submission is that the review process will be closely monitored by the RYS2025 organizers and journal editors to ensure a timely and efficient process.



This award recognizes the speaker with the most impactful presentation, based on both the quality of the research content and the presenter's communication skills, as selected by the Scientific Committee.

Prize: your recorded presentation permanently featured on the RILEM YouTube channel (link), reaching a wider and international audience.



This award will go to a poster that showcases exceptional research quality and relevance, as recognized by the Scientific Committee.

Prize: an invitation to submit a journal paper based on your poster to RILEM Technical Letters international journal (link) giving you the opportunity to undergo peer review and aim for a high-impact publication. 
If accepted, the paper will be published as an open-access article free of charge.




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